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Coercion 9

Then Laugh

At three in the morning, they were both lounging on the bed, making up Emmanuel sequel names. When Spike suggested “Raiders of the Lost Emmanuel” Xander started laughing and just couldn’t stop. Spike didn’t think it was that funny, but he figured the boy was going on his second night of little sleep. He just enjoyed how Xander was rolling around, putting his hand on his arm, and tucking his head against his shoulder.

Finally, Xander’s laughter trailed off, leaving him leaning on one elbow close to Spike where he slumped against the headboard. Xander looked up at Spike and wiped a tear from his eye. “I think I’m punchy. Need sleep.”

“I’d say you’re right,” Spike agreed, reluctant to leave the bed. He picked up the remote, clicked off the TV, and started to get up.

“Wait. Spike.” Spike paused. If his heart could beat it would be pounding. “I… I’ve not forgotten your offer. I just had the one kiss with Vicky and… well… it only served to show me how much I want to… to touch someone and to have someone touch me.” Xander looked away. “I don’t know if… if it will be you, but I wanted to ask something.”

“What’s that, Pet?” Spike asked softly.

“If I don’t say yes in the week, does that mean no forever?”

Spike chuckled and brought a hand up to Xander’s face. He gently cupped his chin and ran a thumb along his cheek. “No. Until things change…”

“You get the chip out…” Xander interrupted.

“Maybe. Until things change, the offer stands. But I won’t wait on you. A vamp has needs, too you know.”

Xander leaned briefly into Spike’s hand before rolling out of bed. “Right. We’re not married yet and I’m sleepy. Back to the chair, evil vamp.”

With a sigh, Spike settled into the chair he’d made slightly more comfortable with a foam pad and a plush throw. He smiled at the toaster as Xander changed into boxers. Spike did not fail to notice that the muscle T was left off.

Xander turned off the light and settled into bed. A little while later, he called softly, “Spike?”


“When I see them together like that, I’m both a roses and a daisies guy.”

Spike chuckled and the two went off to sleep.


The next day, Spike chipped in some cash so the boy could buy food for them both. The Sunday was spent exploring the wonders of cable and, at Spike’s insistence, going over the want ads.

There were many jobs listed Spike knew Xander could do, but the boy just passed them over. Finally, Spike grabbed the newspaper from him and highlighted a half a dozen ads the boy had ignored.

“I can’t do these, Spike!”

“Why not? Just because you never have before? You’re smart, Xander, go try it.”

“They won’t hire me.”

“Not if you don’t apply.” Xander sulked. “Look, do you ever want to get out of this basement? You have to make more than peanuts to do that.” Xander looked around the shabby apartment and shrugged. “If you don’t try, I’ll stop being pod Spike and make your life hell again,” Spike teased.

Xander smiled a crooked half-grin back. “And I’ll kick your lean white bum out into the sun!”

“Oh, you so wouldn’t!”

“In fact, I’ll go ahead and do it right now. I have to sweep the porch anyway.” Xander grabbed the vampire’s arms and hauled him out of the chair.

“Hey!” Spike protested as Xander threw him over his shoulder.

“Takein’ out the trash.”

“I’ll trash you,” Spike growled, and dug his fingers into Xander’s ribs. Xander wasn’t expecting this. He twisted to the side and dumped Spike on the couch. The vampire grabbed the squirming boy and dragged him down on top of him. After much tickling and wiggling, Spike ending up straddling the boy. With his vampire strength, it was easy to hold him down without hurting him. “Now,” he said calmly, looking down at the panting Xander. “You are going to apply at all those places. It will only cost you time and you have plenty of that.”

Xander went limp in defeat. “But they want resumes, and I don’t have a resume.”

Spike grinned. “Yes, you do.”

“No. I don’t.”

“Yes you do. I was bored the other day and typed one up for you. You’ll have to have copies made, so be careful of the original.”

Reluctantly, Spike let the boy up so he could examine the document.

Eyeing the vampire, Xander went over to the stack of papers beside his old, manual typewriter. It had been a gift from Giles so he could neatly fill out job applications. He picked up the top sheet and read it over, expecting made-up jobs like stripper or donkey washer. He found it was a neatly typed, formally presented resume. A smile broke out. “Hey, I’d hire me. Why’d you do this?”

“Someone has to keep me in blood. I had to fudge on some of the dates, but I think I covered the important bits.”

“Thanks, Spike,” Xander grinned. He carefully put the paper back and attacked again. This time it ended with Xander on top of Spike. They both knew Spike could easily throw off the human. Xander grinned down at the vampire who kept bucking his hips upwards. “Trying to make me earn my flowers?” he asked.

“Yeah, ya tart. I buy you flowers and dinner and I didn’t even get a kiss.” Suddenly, Xander leaned down and kissed Spike, hard at first, then more softly. He broke away and looked down into the dilated blue eyes. “Thanks, Spike.” Xander climbed off and started putting on his shoes.

“Where are you going?”

“Out, for a little while. I have to make copies of my resume and see if I can find a nice shirt at the Goodwill. I need to get out of this hole. It’s starting to effect my mind,” Xander explained with a smile.

Spike watched the boy stride away from where he still sprawled on the couch. “Damn it. Bloody tease.”

On to Chapter 10                    To Coercion Main Page

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