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Coercion 10

How to Be Happy

It was still well before dark, but much later than Spike expected when Xander returned, his arms loaded. “Spike! I got a job. It’s minimum wage, but it will hold me until I find a real job. Plus, Alan gave me an advance and I got a suit!” Spike just got out of the way as Xander came babbling in and dumped his stuff on the couch. “I went and got copies made, splurged for the good paper, too, and then I went to Goodwill. I forgot they were closed on Sunday, but there was this man there, and we started talking. It seems he is the district or regional manager of the Goodwill stores in this area. Anyway, he was waiting for them to deliver this big truck full of stuff. Seems one of their near-by stores burned and this stuff had to be off the truck and put somewhere. I told him I was  going to buy a shirt to go job hunting and he asked to see my resume! He said he was hiring some guys on to sort the stuff out! Just that minute the truck pulled up. It was one of the five-room size trucks. Anyway, I helped unload. He was so impressed, he paid me cash, hired me for the next indefinite period, starting Tuesday, and let me pick out an interview suit!”

Spike felt quite breathless when Xander paused to pull out the suit. It was a year or two out of style, but a serviceable dark blue. “Very nice, Pet. You should get it dry cleaned before you wear it.” Spike didn’t tell the boy about the whiff of formaldehyde he caught.

“Oh, right. Don’t want to go out smelling like a basement.” Xander put the suit carefully aside and reached in one of his other bags. “I got a couple of books, too. A Bradbury novel for me. ‘Dandelion Wine’ and a book of pre-raff… Pre-Raphaelite poetry for you.” Xander shrugged and held it out. “It looked like something you’d read, well, long ago. They get all kinds of books donated, cheap! These were a buck each.” Xander had flipped through the book, and hoped he could get Spike to read some of it to him. It seemed suited to his proper voice.

“Thanks, Pet.” Spike took the book and ran an eye over the titles. Some of these were familiar. Many were down right romantic. “Sounds like you’ve had a busy day.”

“I have! Alan gave me a ride home. I talked him to stopping for doughnuts, but I couldn’t think of a sane way to stop for blood.”

“Sounds like this Alan has taken a liking to you.”

“He’s a great guy!” As Xander talked, he moved around the room, carefully putting his folder full of resumes on the shelf by the want ads and hanging up the suit. He held out the doughnuts to Spike, but the vampire shook his head. “He’s got two kids and a wife and the guy driving the truck told me I couldn’t have a better boss. I have to go in tomorrow around ten and fill out some paperwork.”

“You need to hit those jobs we circled, too.”

“Yeah, I do. It’ll be dark in a couple of hours. Want to go out for a couple of those big burgers the Bronze serves? My treat for once!”

“As long as you keep enough to get that suit cleaned, sure.”

Spike sat back and watched as Xander sorted and washed laundry, chatting away as he did so. Spike didn’t know if happy chatty Xander was in improvement or not. Xander stopped at one point. “Can I call the gang? Invite them? I mean, if you’d rather it be just us…”

Spike chuckled. “If you do that, I’ll find my own meal, we don’t want to have to explain why you’re treating your least favorite vampire to dinner.”

“But, you wrote my resume! I wouldn’t have been hired without it.”

Spike glared at him. “If you tell them that, tell them I did it for money. That way, they won’t ask me to write one for them.”


That night, after much fun for Xander and glaring for Spike, the two made their way home. Xander watched as Spike passed from streetlight to streetlight. “Why aren’t you floating, Spike?”


“The other night, last time we went Bronzing, you seemed to… glide.”

Spike thought quick. He’d not been in seducer Spike mode tonight. He’d been glare at Buffy and her toy mode. “It’s being around that cardboard boyfriend. He smells like…”

“Like the labs. And machine oil. Yeah. And I don’t like him much. I mean, he kept throwing jabs at you.”

“Like you never do.”

Xander held up a finger. “My jabs are always well timed and to the point. I don’t have to constantly hit until I connect.”

“That’s right,” Spike drawled with a smile. “Every insult you throw wounds me to the core.”

“And always will. Especially now.”

Spike stopped and let Xander walk a few more steps before following. “And what does that mean? You tell them what I proposed and I’ll…

Xander turned and walked backwards a couple of steps. “I now know where you’re ticklish.”

“I am not!”

Xander turned back around and kept walking. “Um, humm.”

“Am not!”

On to Chapter 11                    To Coercion Main Page

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