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Coercion 31



Over the next two weeks, the Scoobies managed to communicate in ways and places they figured the Initiative couldn’t overhear. They played board games and passed notes. They met up in the park or by the ocean. Once in a while, Willow used a new-found spell where she could speak to them telepathically.


Xander enjoyed the renewed closeness with his friends, though it meant Spike was sometimes left out due to meeting locations or time of day. He found himself partnered with Oz, and the two got to know one another better.


Spike wrote down every single detail he could remember about his captivity in the Initiative, no matter how trivial. He also handed Giles an invaluable item, the key card he’d used when escaping.


Buffy was still on the line between loyalty to her “model” boyfriend and what he stood for, and what her gut and more evidence was telling her was right.


By unspoken agreement, the heart of the plan against the Initiative was kept from Buffy. Oz and Willow found a chink in the firewall around their computer system. They found the key to the lockdown code and wrote a reversal to it.


Tara studied the ley lines in the area and discovered one which, if fed enough energy, should create a static field like the one Willow had cast large enough to disrupt all communications in the area for a while.


Spike went out into demon community. He sought the friends and family of the good ones taken and unified them. Some of the evil demons, basically the local Mafia, approached Spike and offered to assist. He worked out an agreement in exchange for them moving their center of operations out of Sunnydale for the next ten years. In his quests, he also uncovered a powerful mage who would feed the ley lines for them.


Oz, together with a man he knew who at the college radio station, wrote a program that would e-mail details about the Initiative to all the news agencies, both major and minor, local television stations, and the National Inquirer all at once. His friend had been working on the theory that the government was focusing on Sunnydale, but no-one would listen to him. Leaving out the demon angle, they wrote up a document about the Initiative, carefully working on a black market laptop Spike “located” for them.


Giles contacted some of his friends in the Watcher’s Council and arranged escape plans and safe places if any of them needed to flee the country.


Xander carried on, contributing where he could, and growing increasingly nervous. Spike was enjoying the activity, but Xander hated the growing edginess around town. Both were worried about Spike’s chip.




Xander and Oz went for a drive in his van on Xander’s lunch break one sunny day. They got drive-through and drove around town. “Have you found anything about the chips, Oz?”


“Very little. The chip connects directly to a major pain nerve, so it actually takes very little energy. Their power source is a kinetic battery. As long as there is any movement at all, it will charge.”


“Damn. What if Spike laid still for along time? Would it die?”


Oz sadly shook his head. “It could take years, then it would re-charge as soon as he moved again.”


Xander fell silent, watching sights flicker past. “The government has this technology, this wonderful thing that means no one would ever have to buy batteries again and they use it for what? To try to harness supernatural creatures and bend their will.”


“Yeah. Weapons. All great technology started out as weapons or as medicine. Then the medicine gets bent toward weapons.”


They pulled up to a drive-through and park near a busy, loud road. “Hey, Xan. What if Spike’s chip gets taken out?”


Xander sighed. “I’m not sure, Oz, I’m not sure.”


“Do you love him?”


“What? No. Maybe. It’s screwy, Oz. I know he started messing with me cause he was bored. I mean, why else would he? But I’ve gotten to know him. The side he keeps hidden. He can be sweet, believe it or not. He’s smart, Oz. Once he starts talking about literature or telling stories about the past… It’s like he forgets to be the Big Bad. That’s who I like. The not-so Big Bad. He’s most definitely a friend.”


Oz nodded. “I can see that.”


“And the chip. Do you know it zaps him when he thinks too hard about hurting someone? Even if they’re not in the room, or even the state. If he hurts me when he’s… giving me a massage it goes off. I know what Spike is, I just now see who he can be. I want him to have the choice, Oz. To be good or not. If he’s not, then I’ll stake him when he comes after me. Or… have Buffy do it.”


Oz nodded, ignoring the tears in his friend’s eyes. “I’ve thought about it, too. From my own point of view. What if they caught me and chipped me? There are lots of ways to hurt people indirectly and not set it off. Spike’s done none of them.”


“I know. And… maybe TMI,” Oz shrugged a ‘go ahead.’ “When we’re… together, he can be so gentle. So careful. I don’t think it’s the chip, it’s got to be him. The him I like.”


“I’ll try to dig up more. Willow has a few ideas, too.”


“I’m glad you’re all getting along. I was worried.”


“Tara’s good people. But, sometimes it gets lonely.”


“You’re welcome at my house any time, Oz.”


“Thanks, man, but I don’t think Spike’s the sharing type.”


“Oz! I didn’t mean… well, you are cute.” Xander patted Oz’s head.


Oz looked through his lashes at his friend. “You, too. Hard hats get it done for me.” It was a joke and they both knew it. Oz dropped the flirt and took one of Xander’s onion rings. “I’ve been keeping busy. Got a job on campus and I’m going back to classes. May even join another band once this whole taking down the Initiative thing blows over.”


"It's gonna break soon, Oz. I can feel it."


They finished their burgers and Oz dropped him back at work.

On to Chapter 32                    To Coercion Main Page

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