Big Was Alexander?
It turned out
that boy could do a hell of a lot more than talk with that pretty mouth of his,
but Spike wanted more. He was happy with what he was getting, but he wanted
more, damn it. He’d approached Xander a couple of times, hinting, but the boy
was adamant about not wanting Spike anywhere near his ass.
Next time Xander had his cock in his mouth, Spike
reached down and moved Xander’s hand to his ass. Xander flexed his fingers,
not really paying attention, then moved them away. Spike moaned. “Xander.
Please. I need to feel you inside me,” and put the boy’s hand back on his
Xander drew Spike’s cock out of his mouth. “No, Spike.”
“Why? I want it. I want to feel your hot flesh inside me, stretching me.”
Spike pressed Xander’s hand back again.
Xander hesitated. “I’ll hurt you,” he mumbled, taking Spike in his mouth
again and sucking hard.
Spike laughed and drew Xander up to him. “Xander, love, you forget I’m a vampire.
I like pain. When it’s the right kind. When it’s the good kind.”
Xander couldn’t meet Spike’s eyes. “That’s not a good pain, Spike.”
Spike could sense something was wrong, but he was so tired of waiting. He had to
take. “Look, I’ll ready myself, then you fuck me. Yes, please? You won’t
hurt me wrong, I promise.”
Xander looked into the vampire’s eyes and could see the hunger and need, he
could feel it pouring off him. He did not want to hurt Spike, but he needed it
too. He’d desired it for some time.
“I don’t want to go elsewhere, Love, but it’s driving me nuts. You won’t
let me fuck you, so fuck me. Please?”
Xander swallowed and nodded. “I wanted to fuck you, too, Spike, but I’ve not
wanted to hurt you.”
Spike laughed. “You’re too good. Just too good. Suck me again?”
Xander moved back down and took Spike in his mouth again. He watched as Spike
clicked open the cap on the lube and squeezed a generous dollop on his fingers,
quickly moving his hand down and under his raised leg. Spike bit his lip,
thrusting up into Xander’s mouth as he worked in a finger. Xander could feel
the cock in his mouth jump. Soon Spike had added a second finger, then a third.
Xander drew back, working Spike with his hand as he watched Spike fuck himself
with his fingers.
“Xander,” Spike gasped, his eyes black with desire, “fuck me. Please. If
you care anything for me at all, fuck me now.”
Xander hesitated and Spike thrust his fingers into himself as far as he could.
Seeing the arch of Spike’s body, Xander knew this is what his lover really
wanted. He moved over Spike who grabbed Xander with slick fingers to guide him
in place. Spike felt empty, hollowed. The boy started pressing gently. “Stop
me if I hurt you,” Xander said, still uncertain. “Mongoose, right?”
Spike laughed and rolled his head back on the pillow. “Xander. You’re going
to kill me with anticipation. Fuck me!”
Xander pressed in, then met resistance. He hesitated. “Spike…”
Spike wrapped his legs around Xander’s hips and suddenly pulled him close,
thrusting up as Xander’s thick cock squeezed past the barrier. The old
familiar pain shot through him, and he shuddered as he rode it to pleasure,
holding Xander still, his full length inside him.
Xander watched as Spike threw his head back, the demon coming to fore, growling,
as his cock sank in. He felt Spike’s body rebel against the intruder and knew
it hurt like fire. Spike held him clamped in place, and Xander could only watch
as the demon thrashed against the pillow. Soon, though, the face smoothed, the
blue returned, and the legs loosened. “Move now, god, please, fuck me
Xander hesitantly stared to move. This was only the second
time he had been inside someone, and his first time in control. “Spike.
It’s so tight.”
Spike smiled, his eyes closed as he savored the heat of Xander’s cock. He
could feel the throb of the boy’s heart beat inside him. “I’m a virgin,
Pet. Every time.” Xander froze and Spike opened his eyes. “What’s
“Then… then that really did hurt.”
Spike drew Xander down and wrapped his arms around him. “When did this funny
turnaround happen that you’re so worried about hurting me?” Spike kissed
Xander’s neck. “Move, pet. I’ve enjoyed everything you’ve done. Never
had a human lover as gentle as you. That’s new. I like it.” Spike pressed
into Xander’s slow strokes and bit at his neck. “Relax. I know the magic
Spike stroked his back and moved down to cup his ass. Xander finally relaxed,
enjoying the tightness of Spike’s ass and the pull of his muscles. He fell
into a tide of long even strokes, his eyes closed. The occasional touches of
Spike’s weeping cock to his belly added to it.
“Xander,” Spike said in his ear.
“If you don’t fuck me hard soon, I will find a way to kill you.” Xander
opened his eyes to find a golden-eyed demon beneath him. He’d gotten lost in
the sensation and forgotten his partner. The shock of this made him jerk his
hips in compliance. “Yeah, pet,” Spike said through a fangy grin. “More.
As hard as you want.”
Xander raised himself on his arms and pounded in. Spike thrashed his head in
pleasure. Soon, Xander looped his arms behind Spike’s knees and dove in even
deeper. Flesh slapped on flesh and both men growled and moaned. Xander paused,
his cock as deep in Spike as he could manage, his whole body quivering on the
edge of the abyss, and looked down on Spike through lust hazed eyes. Spike
wickedly grinned and squeezed around Xander as hard as he could as he grabbed
his own cock. This set Xander’s orgasm over the edge. He felt the cool
splashes of Spike’s come on his chest as he erratically thrust, filling Spike
with warmth.
Spike guided Xander down to lay atop him when the boy’s arms gave out.
“Sweet Pet,” he murmured, pushing sweat-damped locks off Xander’s face.
Xander became aware of things slowly. Spike was petting his head and back.
Spike’s cock was still hard (or hard again) between them. He was still buried
in Spike’s ass. He started to get up, but Spike stilled him. “Shh, Pet.”
”But what?” Spike kissed his neck.
“I’m still… inside you.”
“I’m well aware of that, love. It’s delicious.”
“Doesn’t hurt?”
Xander bounced as Spike chuckled under him. “Gods, no. You really don’t
understand, do you?” Xander shook his head. “I could show you.” Spike
whispered and ran his hands down to cup Xander’s ass and spared him slightly.
Xander shook his head harder and scrambled to get up, reluctantly pulling free.
“No. Not that.”
“It can be fun…” Spike knew he was pushing. He should let the boy talk a
step at a time.
“No. Spike. I… I really like what we just did but… no. I don’t like
pain.” Xander grabbed up a towel and rubbed off the worst of the stickiness
before searching for his bathrobe.
Spike rolled to his side, wanting to keep the boy’s warmth for as long as he
could. “It doesn’t have to hurt that much.” Xander glared at him.
“Sorry. I won’t press. But if you change your mind…”
Xander pulled on his bathrobe with jerky movements. “Exit only, Spike,”
Xander said sadly over his shoulder, and headed up for a shower.

On to Chapter 23
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