in His Own Tongue
started his new job, and, after a week, Spike was completely healed.
Xander came home and hung up his hardhat. “Hey, Spike? How’s the ribs
“Funny.” Xander said, opening the fridge. “Hey! There really are ribs!”
“Told you. Oz brought them by. Something about a cook out on campus. Didn’t
ask details.” Spike came up behind Xander, put his hands on the huamn's hips and
pulled him back against him.
Xander felt Spike’s erection pressing him and stood up, pushing Spike away.
“Hey! You are feeling better.”
Spike pulled him close again, grinding his erection against Xander’s, and
pulling him in for a kiss. “I owe you a licking, Pet,” he growled.
Xander gasped from the sudden attention. “Yeah, want that. Let me… let me
shower. I’m covered in plaster dust.”
Spike kissed him again before letting him go. “You do that, Love. I want to
taste all of you.”
Xander hurried through his shower, resisting the urge to pay attention to his
throbbing cock. When he came downstairs, he discovered the bed was out and
turned down. A plate of ribs steamed on the coffee table and a cold beer sat
beside them. “What’s this?”
Spike sat back, dressed only in his jeans. “Sit. Eat. You’re always hungry
after you come home. Wanna speed things up.”
Xander laughed, but sat and ate. Spike sat in the once-orange chair of
familiarity and chatted as Xander ate. “I like Oz. We talked for about an
“An hour? I don’t think I’ve ever spent that much time talking to Oz. I
didn’t know he could talk that much.”
“He said pretty much the same about you, the time spent talking, that is. He wants
to get to know you better.”
Xander nodded. “I’d like that.”
“I told him about the Initiative, and to be careful on full moons. They
won’t care that he’s human.”
“Oh, my god! I hadn’t thought about that.”
“He’s learned to control it, though. That’s why he went away. I’d heard
about such things, but never believed them.” Spike watched Xander eat for a
few minutes. “He also told me he was glad I’d let him know about Willow and
Tara. Said he’d freaked if he’d just come into it.”
“That’s good.” Xander wiped his fingers off and looked expectantly at
Spike. “Any dessert?”
Spike stood and pulled Xander up by the lapels of his bathrobe. “You’re the
dessert. Where’d I leave off?” he asked as he kissed Xander’s neck.
“Don’t… don’t remember.” Xander’s hands encountered bare Spike back
and fluttered away, only to alight on Spike’s narrow hips.
“I guess I have to do it all again.” Spike pushed the robe off Xander’s
shoulders, touching and nipping the newly exposed flesh. Occasionally, he’d
pull Xander close, pressing denim against bare flesh and kissing his mouth. His
hands trailed along Xander’s back and neck until Xander was grasping Spike for
support. “Weak in the knees, Pet?”
“Yeah. Gonna fall.”
“We can’t have that.” Spike took Xander’s hands from his hips where
they’d been locked and lowered his arms so the robe would fall. Swiftly,
before the boy could protest, Spike swept him up in strong arms and laid him on
the bed. “That better?” he asked, undoing his pants.
“Yeah,” Xander breathed. He felt his heart speed up when Spike pushed down
his tight jeans and let them drop. Spike’s legs were as leanly muscled as his
arms. His cock hung heavy and half-erect against a pale thigh. The foreskin
almost covered the head.
Spike caught the boy’s reaction and preened for a minute, running his hand
down his chest to card in the nest of dark curls and cup his balls. Xander was
struck by how much sexier this was when Spike didn’t have jeans on then when
he did it to taunt. Spike raised a knee and sat on the bed. “Now, where was I
this time?”
Dazed, Xander pointed to just above his left nipple. Spike chuckled and leaned
in to resume his attentions. Soon, Spike had Xander writhing and whimpering
again. This time it was better, because Xander clawed at Spike’s back with
blunt fingertips and thrust up to his attentions.
Spike circled around to his target and looked up at Xander. “Ready, Pet?”
“No,” Xander said. “Wanna see.”
Xander pushed himself up until his back and shoulders rested on pillows and
headboard. Spike grinned and pulled himself up till he was eye level with
Xander’s cock. “Mmmmmm. Cherry.” Spike wrapped his hand around the base of
the throbbing cock, brought himself up, and slowly drew Xander into his mouth.
A portion of Xander’s mind babbled to him about the potential of nasty sharp
pointy teeth in the vicinity of his naughty bits. The rest of his mind voted
this bit off the island in favor of the feeling of Spike’s lips wrapping
around him.
Spike closed his eyes and savored the heat of Xander’s cock. The flavor of it
was delightful. Nutty, salty, and a bit sweet. He peeked up at where Xander had
his head thrown back and was watching with half-closed eyes. Spike sighed and
took Xander deeper in his throat.
Xander was amazed at how Spike’s tongue could be everywhere at once. He
swirled it around the head, ran it along the shaft, and flicked at the slit.
“God, Spike. Won’t last long.”
Spike chuckled around his mouthful, enjoying the stretch in his jaws and sucked.
Xander yelped and thrust upwards. Spike drew him all the way out with a pop.
“You liking this? I could do something else,” he suggested wickedly.
“Spike,” Xander panted, “If you don’t do that some more, I’ll toss
your skinny ass out in the sun.”
“Well, can’t say I don’t have a strong sense of self-preservation.”
Again, Spike took him in, this time swallowing around the head. Xander started
cursing. Spike added some tongue, and Xander started panting. Spike started
drawing Xander out against he suction, and Xander started coming. Spike loosened
his lips and bobbed with Xander’s thrusts until Xander shoved at his head and
muttered, “Leave me a few brain cells.”
Spike climbed up the bed to wrap himself around Xander’s waist, his head on
his chest to listen as Xander’s heart slowed to normal.
Xander brought a hand up and petted Spike’s head. “Leave the gel out next
“Why, Pet?”
“It’s sharp. I’m afraid I’ll cut myself on it. and get an infection.”
Spike chuckled and hitched up close to Xander. He pressed the damp head of his
cock into Xander’s leg. “Hint, hint,” he said.
“Poor Spike. He’s not gotten any. I donno. You’ve been naughty.”
Spike at up. “Hey! I explained that! You said…”
Xander interrupted him with a kiss. “I mean, you’ve been leaving wet towels
on the floor again.”
“Oh, that. Maybe you should punish me for that somehow?”
“How would I do that?”
“Well, it would be mean and cruel for you to suck my cock.”
“Why is that, B'rer
Rabbit?” Xander asked with a smile.
“Cause I’d have to hold back when I came so I wouldn’t hurt you. I
couldn’t have as much fun as… other ways.”
Xander looked down at Spike’s uncut cock. “Spike, I… I’ve never…”
Spike scoffed. “I know. Do you think it matters?”
“I… I think I’d gag. And I don’t know those tricks you know with your
Spike drew himself up and looked in Xander’s eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I
want to feel your mouth on me. Just lick it if you want. Don’t have to do
anything else. I showered before you got home. You can always call a code
mongoose if you don’t like it.”
“You wouldn’t be mad?”
“I admit I’d be disappointed, but our agreement was no forcing so… Spike
pushed Xander off the pillows and lay in the warm, damp place Xander left.
“Blow me, Pet.”
Xander hesitated, then copied Spike’s earlier actions. He brought himself up
and lay upon Spike. He kissed Spike once, meeting dilated blue eyes, and moved
to kiss Spike’s neck. He thought his own neck was sensitive, but Spike hissed
in a breath the first time Xander nipped at him and pressed upwards. “Careful,
Pet. Necks have their own language with demons.”
“I know,” Xander said. “I’ve read a little.” Xander carefully nipped
at places away from the jugular and licked along It’s non-pulsing length.
“Xander,” Spike growled. “What have you been reading?”
“Angelus’ journal.”
In a heartbeat, Spike had rolled Xander over and was crouched on top of him.
“How? Those were all destroyed.”
Xander’s heart beat like mad, but he fought to keep still. “Not all. A
fragment of one was recovered from a house where the Scourge was staying. 18…
1886, I think it was… why are you laughing?”
Spike released Xander and rolled off him, laughing madly. “In France?”
“Yeah, I think so. Giles doesn’t know I saw them. The council Xeroxed
them and sent them to him when he first learned who Buffy was hanging out with.
It was four or five fragments… what?”
“Were they in French?”
“Oh. Pet.” Spike wiped tears form his eyes. “Those were my journals. No
wonder you know just what I like.”
“Yours? That, that was some hot stuff.”
“Of course. I’ve always been hot stuff.”
“Right, William.”
“Don’t ever call me that again or I’ll… I’ll…” Xander had leaned
back over him and licked his neck again.
“Do what?” Xander murmured.
“Not blow you again.”
“Oh, well.” Lick. “I’ll have to be good then.” Nibble.
“Shut up, Xander.”
Xander worked his way down Spike’s chest, remembering what Spike had done to
him. He nipped at Spike’s nipple, and Spike growled, “Harder.” Xander
obliged. The resulting full-body shudder and thrust from Spike taught him that
no restraint was needed. When Xander worked his way down to Spike’s navel, he
took Spike’s cock in hand and looked at it. It was not quite as thick as his
own, it curved rather sharply upwards, and to Xander, the foreskin was utterly
alien. He noticed that when Spike got completely hard, it drew back, revealing
more of the head. Experimentally, he pumped it. “That’s nice,” Spike
almost purred. A drop of clear fluid beaded at the tip. Bravely, he darted out
his tongue and licked it up. Spike moaned. The taste was slightly acidic, but
not unpleasant. He was reminded of walnuts, for some reason.
Every touch of Xander’s tongue as like fire for Spike. Each nerve ending was
alive in anticipation. Xander licked and played, growing ever bolder. Finally,
Spike panted, “Please, Pet. You’re driving me mad. I’ll warn you before I
come, I promise.”
Xander closed his eyes, opened his jaw, and took the head of Spike’s cock in
his mouth. He could feel the quiver of Spike’s body as he fought to keep from
thrusting upwards. The feeling of power suddenly struck Xander and he could see
why Spike enjoyed it so much. “Make… make it wet, like you do a Popsicle,
Xander grinned, suddenly getting it. He licked wetly all around Spike’s cock,
then slid him back in his mouth. It slipped in and out much easier. He found he
could work most of Spike’s cock with his hand, and just suck the tip without
choking. “Xander…” Spike gasped. Xander just had time to pull his mouth
off when Spike started to come with a shout. Xander pumped Spike’s cock,
watching the come shoot out, landing wetly on Spike’s belly.
Spike drew Xander up to kiss him, wanting to taste himself on Xander’s lips.
He collapsed back with his arms wrapped around the warm boy. He had about
drifted into a satisfied nap when Xander spoke. “So why is it clear?”
“Nothing’s clear to me right now. What ?”
“Your come.”
Spike sighed and drifted toward sleep again. “Dead, aren’t I? No
“Huh. Supernatural vasectomy.”

On to Chapter 21
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